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Four Children's Dental Emergencies That Emergency Dentist Can Help With

Children's teeth can be especially vulnerable because they are still developing and growing. The mouth is also a sensitive area, so it's important to take care of your child's teeth.

Children's dental emergencies can occur at any time, and they may be painful or stressful for the whole family. Here are four emergency situations that you should know how to handle.

It's important to remember that some dental issues require a visit to the dentist as soon as possible. Here are four common dental emergencies that need immediate attention.

1. Knocked-Out Teeth

If a tooth has been knocked out, do not try to put it back in your child's mouth. Instead, place it between some clean gauze or toilet paper and bring them to the emergency dentist's room as soon as possible. The sooner the tooth is placed back into its socket, the better chance you have at saving it from infection or damage from chewing on it out of its original mouth placement location.

2. Infected Gums Or Mouth Sores

If your child has swollen gums or painful sores in their mouth, they may have an infection or abscess that requires immediate treatment from an emergency dentist. Infections can spread rapidly. They can even become life-threatening if left untreated. In some cases, children may also experience fever, chills, and vomiting as well as swollen glands in the neck area if the infection spreads beyond their mouth.

3. Unable To Chew Due To A Swollen Lip Or Gum

Children may bite their lips accidentally while playing, which can cause swelling and pain. A swollen lip or gum is an emergency because it can interfere with eating and drinking and make it difficult for your child to breathe properly through their nose. You should take your child to the doctor immediately if they cannot eat or drink without pain or if their breathing is affected by a swollen lip or gum.

4. Abscessed Baby Tooth 

A baby tooth that becomes infected is called infantile apical periodontitis (IAP). IAP occurs when the root canal system of an infected primary tooth fails to develop normally and drains into the jawbone causing an infection. The infection may spread from one tooth to another through a process called apical migration that occurs during the first three years of life. A family history of IAP is associated with this condition as well as poor oral hygiene and frequent thumb sucking.

If you have a child who is in pain, or if you see something unusual in their mouth, contact an emergency dentist today. For more information, contact an emergency dentist near you.
