Cavities, Bad Breath and Other Embarrassing Topics

Crown Your Smile With These Dental Crown Care Tips

No matter your personality, you can almost always make yourself more likeable by giving your smile a boost—after all, first impressions still matter a whole lot in life. Luckily, modern dentistry is no longer just about preventing and treating tooth cavities, tooth decay and other dental issues resulting from dental plaque buildup on the teeth and gums, or that tooth removal procedure that everyone dreads. With the advent of cosmetic dentistry, patients can now have problems with their dental aesthetics remedied at the dental office. 

If your tooth is partly broken and you would like to have it restored, then you are a candidate for dental crown treatment. A dental crown is essentially a tooth cap that can be placed over the remaining part of a broken tooth to give it a fuller appearance and to help make it easy for the patient to bite and chew food properly. 

But as with any other dental appliance, life with dental crowns does require some adjustment, but after you adjust, you should be able to enjoy your life. Here are some tips you can follow in this regard.

Watch what you eat

While a dental crown helps to make the remaining part of a broken tooth stronger, it does not necessarily make the tooth as strong as it used to be when it was still intact. For this reason, you had better be careful with what you devour. Generally speaking, biting and chewing hard foods won't do you any good, as it can cause damage to your crowns. If you must eat any hard food items, make sure you are able to bite with healthy teeth that are still intact.

Don't grind your teeth

Grinding teeth while you're wearing dental crowns is not a good idea because it will accelerate wear and tear of your crowns. If you're used to grinding your teeth, you'll need to break from the habit. You can try weaning yourself off the habit gradually until you break it, or you can ask your dentist to recommend a solution that would work for you, e.g., by wearing mouth guards.

Maintain high oral hygiene standards

As with any other dental treatment, you need to maintain proper oral hygiene when you're using dental crowns. Though the "cap" itself can't be affected by plaque, the natural tooth it covers may not be spared. Therefore, you should brush and floss your teeth regularly and properly, making sure you remove any plaque buildup in your entire mouth.

Having a great smile can make you look friendly and easily approachable, especially when you are meeting people for the first time. If you get a dental crown treatment, make taking proper care of your crowns a priority!
